Advertised Development Applications

image of the view looking over to the Seaport peppers hotel and custom house


View all current development applications in the Launceston municipality.  

Our Planning Officers are available for discussion 10am to 4pm weekdays via 6323 3220.

Current Notice of Amendments

Launceston Local Provisions Schedule - PSA-LLP0002

Notification of application under Sections 40G & 40H the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993

PSA-LLP0002 & DA0439/2022

The Tasmanian Planning Commission have decided to reject the draft amendment and direct the planning authority to provide a substitute draft amendment under section 40N(1)(c)(i) of the Act. The draft amendment has now been certified as suitable for public exhibition under section 40P(3) of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (the Act). Subsequently, the Commission have directed the planning authority to publicly exhibit the substitute draft amendment for 28 days in accordance with the provisions of section 40G and 40H of the Act.

Information on the Commissions decision and directions can be found here:

The application proposes:

  1. A rezoning of land at 9 Rose Lane, South Launceston (described as CT247578/2 and CT200709/1 from Recreation Zone to the General Residential Zone, of the Launceston Local Provisions Schedule; and
  2. Pursuant to section 40T of the land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993, Development Application DA0439/2022 - Subdivision - Consolidation of titles, including alterations to the road network; Business and Professional Services - Construction of six new commercial tenancies and associated car parking.

Documents describing the proposal can be inspected at our Customer Service Centre, Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.00pm, or via direct download until Wednesday 6th November 2023.

Please use the links below to download all documents for this proposal:

Launceston Certified draft amendment PSA LLP0002(PDF, 736KB)

PSA-LLP0002 - DA0439.2022 - Appendix A - Title documents_V2(PDF, 602KB)
PSA-LLP0002 - DA0439.2022 - Appendix B - Owners consent(PDF, 381KB)
PSA-LLP0002 - DA0439.2022 - Appendix C - Geotechnical assessment(PDF, 267KB)
PSA-LLP0002 - DA0439.2022 - Appendix D - Contamination assessment_V3(PDF, 16MB)
PSA-LLP0002 - DA0439.2022 - Appendix E - Proposal plans_V3(PDF, 5MB)
PSA-LLP0002 - DA0439.2022 - Appendix F - Traffic Impact Assessment_V3(PDF, 3MB)
PSA-LLP0002 - DA0439.2022 - Appendix G - Concept servicing plans and stormwater report(PDF, 4MB)
PSA-LLP0002 - DA0439.2022 - Council meeting minutes(PDF, 345KB)
PSA-LLP0002 - DA0439.2022 - Cover Letter_Response to RFI#2_9 Rose Lane_V1(PDF, 178KB)
PSA-LLP0002 - DA0439.2022 - Planners Report to Council(PDF, 912KB)
PSA-LLP0002 - DA0439.2022 - Road Owners Consent(PDF, 719KB)
PSA-LLP0002 - DA0439.2022 - Supporting Planning Report_9 Rose Lane s40T application_Final_V3(PDF, 4MB)
PSA-LLP0002 - DA0439.2022 - TasWater SPAN(PDF, 193KB)

 Written representations in relation to the draft amendment may be submitted during the above inspection time period, being representations in relation to the draft amendment in accordance with section 40(J).

The submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer at PO Box 396, LAUNCESTON TAS 7250, or by email

The full content of your submission may be included in the report (noting this may make it available for public access) if the application is presented at a public Council meeting for consideration. It is therefore the responsibility of the author to address matters arising out of the proposal in a way that is factual, fair and reasonable and not defamatory against any person.

Please provide phone and/or email contact details with representations. For further information please call 03 6323 3382.

Launceston Local Provisions Schedule - PSA-LLP0020

Notification of application under Sections 40G & 40H of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993

Ref: PSA-LLP0020

Draft Amendment PSA-LLP0020 to the Tasmanian Planning Scheme - Launceston Local Provisions Schedule proposes:

Rezone land at 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 191, 193 Westbury Road and 60 Oakden Road, Prospect (described as CT 51268/1, 51268/2, 51268/3 & 51268/4, CT100576/3, CT 180140/2, CT 180140/1, CT122146/1, CT100907/1, CT30458/1 and CT37/9009) from the Low Density Residential Zone to General Residential.

Documents describing the proposal can be inspected at our Customer Service Centre, Monday to Friday from 8.30am until 28 June 2024.

Written representations in relation to the draft amendment may be submitted during the above inspection time period, being representations in relation to the draft amendment in accordance with section 40J. The submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer at PO Box 396, LAUNCESTON TAS 7250, or by email to

The full content of your submission may be included in the report (noting this may make it available for public access) if the application is presented at a public Council meeting for consideration. It is therefore the responsibility of the author to address matters arising out of the proposal in a way that is factual, fair and reasonable and not defamatory against any person.

Please provide phone and/or email contact details with representations. For further information please call 03 6323 3000.

Please use the links below to download all documents for this proposal:

Planning-Scheme-Amendment-Map-PSA-LLP0020-181-193-Westbury-Road-and-60-Oakden-Road.pdf(PDF, 133KB)
