Public Art
The City of Launceston will encourage the creation of public art that expresses the values identified in the Cultural Strategy, further increases liveability for present and future residents, and enhances its attractiveness as a visitor destination.
Public art proposals
Because often art in public space is installed in the public domain, or on private sites which may impact on the public realm, it is important for the City of Launceston to understand and approve the installation to ensure it can co-exist with our city's built and natural environment as well as with the functionality of existing facilities and services.
Download the Art in Public Space Proposal Form
Street art site register
The City of Launceston is developing a register of interest for privately owned sites in Launceston for the creation of street art. The register will allow us to connect street artists with property owners.
Download the Street Art Site Register Form
Council vision
The City’s commitment to Public Art (Art in Public Space) is stated in the City of Launceston's Cultural Strategy 2020 - 2030:
There are many opportunities to support a culturally vital City through public art. It can be used to tell our stories, build ownership of place and assist with wayfinding through the City. It contributes to a City which is more dynamic and enriched for residents and visitors and can enable people to re-think their relationship with a place or their position on a particular issue.
At its Ordinary Meeting on 29 July 2021, Council unanimously adopted the interim Art in Public Space Policy (the Policy). The purpose of the Policy is to assist the City of Launceston to make decisions on art in public space and guide the integration of artwork into capital projects, streetscape works and place making. It also assists Council to respond to enquiries from the public, proposals and in selecting works of art in public space.
At its Ordinary Meeting on 9 March 2023, Council unanimously adopted Public Art Strategy 2023 - 2031 (the Strategy). The purpose of this Strategy is to:
- Set out a clear vision for public art in Launceston
- Advocate the role and value of public art for Launceston’s communities and economy
- Ensure public art commissions are integrated within wider placemaking and city shaping initiatives and, where appropriate, within new developments
- Encourage partnerships to diversify and strengthen sustainable support and funding for public art
- Ensure the management and maintenance of public art is appropriate and of a high standard
- Engage and support artists, creatives, and community groups in the practice of public art
- Encourage collaborative, place-based creative practice for temporal and permanent outcomes
- Provide guidance for the development and implementation of public art in Launceston