Launceston Residential Strategy

This strategy provides the way forward for housing in the Launceston municipality for the next 20 years and beyond. It has been developed as an integral part of the review of the Launceston Planning Scheme 1996, and has been informed by the public consultation process undertaken as a central component of that review.

Launceston Residential Strategy 2009-2029(PDF, 18MB)

The Strategy has been developed as an integral part of the review of the Launceston Planning Scheme 1996, and has been informed by the public consultation process undertaken as a central component of that review. It is anticipated that the residential strategy will be used to guide decision making from the time it is adopted by Council. Where necessary it will provide strategic guidance to amendments to the existing planning scheme. The residential strategy is informed by Council’s strategic policies including Launceston Vision 2020. 1 It is also informed by existing patterns of settlement in the wider region, and projections of future housing demand. It refl ects community values including a desire for both economic and environmental sustainability. It is underpinned by government legislation regulating housing development throughout the state, for example the establishment of zonings common to all local government areas, and the limiting of residential development on agricultural land