Partnership Projects

Below are the partnership projects that Council are advocating for and will work collaboratively with stakeholders and partners to plan, advocate and in some cases, undertake the project.

Transport Accessibility

The City of Launceston is a seeking commitment from State Government, stakeholders and the community to address transport accessibility issues in the Launceston's Northern Suburbs and to improve alignment between the State Government's housing strategy and transport accessibility.

The commitment request is aimed at reducing the difficulties the community faces with accessing and utilising public transportation to enable their daily life and supporting future residential growth areas, ensuring the timely connection between amenities and growth areas.

Project deliveries include:

  • Launceston is perfectly suited to a simplified approach where local services support high frequency direct services, gently touching the edge of the city centre,
  • Higher frequency and demand-based services (with potential for pilot programs), 
  • Considerations for priority, for example, dedicated lanes as well as signal priority, and
  • Education and campaigns to promote bus use.

Regional Bus Services

The City of Launceston is advocating for the State Government to provide a dedicated regional bus service facility prior to winter 2024 for users of inter-city bus services. Currently, users of inter-city bus services are waiting on the Charles St footpath, utilising a shipping container for shelter.

Flood Protection and Recovery Planning

The City of Launceston seeks to continue collaboration with the State Government regarding flood protection and recovery planning for the Launceston Municipality. Council requests investment by the State Government, in partnership with the City of Launceston, for an investigation and analysis of future opportunities to enhance the flood protection system for the Launceston Municipality.

10-year vision for the kanamaluka/Tamar Estuary

The City of Launceston is seeking continued support for the implementation and ongoing recognition of the 10-year vision for the kanamaluka/Tamar Estuary. The vision is designed to reframe Launceston’s relationship to the estuary, recognising and embracing its transformation from an industrial landscape to a focal point for community events and recreation.

Homelessness Statement of Commitment

The City of Launceston is seeking advocacy around the following items, which have been determined following extensive recent consultation with service providers, including the Youth Network of Tasmania, the peak body representing youth in Tasmania. These also all align with the seven principles the Council is seeking to achieve with our Statement of Commitment. We advocate for:

  • More funding for outreach workers and mental health support services for homeless services. Throughout consultation we were told of a mental health crisis in the homeless community, with severely limited access to mental health services, with access seemingly worse than during Covid-19, 
  • Construction of temporary dwellings (approximately $10,000 each) with holistic wraparound case management to help the people staying in the temporary dwellings to successfully move into permanent housing,
  • A governance structure facilitated or operated by the state government, that can coordinate the state's homelessness response. This sits outside of the work of Homes Tasmania, and it needs to be its own separate division,
  • A specific child and youth homelessness strategy, as research in Tasmania indicates that up to 35% of homeless people are children and youth,
  • A minister or junior minister for homelessness to elevate the focus on homelessness,
  • A youth employment strategy to help youth transition into the workplace,
  • Funding for public education about homelessness that all Councils can have access to reduce the stigma attached to homelessness, and
  • Funding for a state-wide by-names list, similar to the Adelaide Zero Project's data collection system, which relies on data collected in the street to help end homelessness.