The My Place My Future Plan
The My Place My Future Plan (the Plan) is an ambitious document that outlines a number of strategies for the revitalisation of Launceston's Northern Suburbs. As a key commitment in the Launceston City Deal the implementation of the Plan will be ongoing, and is supported by a commitment to undertake a shared annual review of programs and services being delivered in Launceston's Northern Suburbs.
You can view information on the Launceston City Deal here.
The Plan focuses on the communities in:
- Invermay;
- Mowbray;
- Newnham;
- Mayfield;
- Rocherlea;
- Ravenswood; and
- Waverley.
These suburbs, each with their own distinct identity, represent approximately one third of the population within the Launceston municipality. The Plan was developed in response to extensive engagement with these very proud, resilient and vibrant communities. Engaging with community representatives through the development of the Plan has been both rewarding and inspiring for all of the stakeholders involved. The commitment to invest in these suburbs into the future will not just strengthen these communities but will have a lasting effect on the prosperity of greater Launceston.
The Plan represents the beginning of a journey that involves everyone working together to develop and implement solutions in the future. It has created a real, viable mechanism for government to work together on behalf of the communities that they represent to ensure that the ongoing story of the Launceston Northern Suburbs and the people that live, work and play there remains a central focal point.
Strategic Action Areas
Enterprise Growth
Why is this Strategic Action Area important?
There is a need for a strategic approach to enterprise growth within the Northern Suburbs that identifies opportunities and makes it easier for enterprises to establish themselves, and to continue to grow and flourish. This Strategic Action Area is focused on identifying ways to make it easier for enterprises to establish, grow and flourish in a manner that improves the economic status of both the Northern Suburbs and the broader City of Launceston municipality.
What strategies does this include?
Strategies included in this Strategic Action Area include:
- 1.1 Continue to develop Mowbray as a Major Activity Centre, leveraging its position as a multicultural hub of Launceston;
- 1.2 Develop and implement a targeted Investment and Development Strategy;
- 1.3 Enhance innovation and entrepreneurship;
- 1.4 Make private home ownership more achievable;
- 1.5 Draw upon research undertaken to inform the Northern Transformation project;
- 1.6 Ensure there are appropriate mechanisms to bring the education and training sectors together to focus on informing future approaches to increasing educational attainment rates in the Northern Suburbs;
- 1.7 Investigate mechanisms to identify and support micro-businesses, and address identified gaps; and
- 1.8 Advocate for alternative adaptable housing models, with a focus on energy efficiency and a wide range of housing types.
What might some of the actions look like?
There are many different actions that can be undertaken to implement the strategies listed above. Some of these actions will be short-term, some medium-term, and some long-term. It is important to be aware that the actions will not seek to duplicate existing programs or services. To ensure this does not occur, a gap analysis will be undertaken before actions are developed.
Some of the actions that may be undertaken include:
- A revision of the Mowbray District Centre Precinct Plan 2013;
- A seven day makeover of the Mowbray shopping precinct;
- Development of a Northern Suburbs Economic Prospectus;
- Implementation of opportunities for micro-businesses (i.e. regular markets);
- Develop and implement a Northern Suburbs Small
- Business Incentive Program that aims to make it easier for small enterprises to establish themselves in the
- Northern Suburbs; and
- Review resources available to support events in the
- Northern Suburbs.
Who is likely to be involved in the actions?
Many parties may be involved in the implementation of these actions. These may include:
- Local, State and Federal government departments;
- Service providers;
- Local Neighbourhood Houses;
- Businesses or entities with a vested interest;
- Economic Development Agencies; and
- Community.
Employment and Wage Growth
Why is this Strategic Action Area important?
Employment and income data highlight a need for a range of focused strategies aimed at increasing employment rates. Strategies in this Strategic Action Area will aim to do this by focusing on:
- Increasing employment opportunities in specific growth areas;
- Integrating with current strategies and initiatives; and/ or
- Removing barriers to employment.
The growth area identified is Health Care and Social Assistance Industry (i.e. hospitals, medical and other health care services, residential care services and social assistance services).
The second focus of this Strategic Action Area is on sparking and nourishing innovation. “Launceston has a long history of pioneering firsts and overcoming challenges.
We believe we can and must build on this history to take advantage of our assets, natural endowments and capabilities so we are in front of (not left behind or ricocheted by) disruptive changes in the world” (2nd Road, A new era of innovation for Greater Launceston).
What strategies does this include?
Strategies included in this Strategic Action Area include:
- 2.1 Increase adult learning opportunities, including literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy skills;
- 2.2 Increase skills, qualifications and work readiness in the identified growth areas;
- 2.3 Increase engagement in employment and education for people aged 25-54 years, and/or within identified cohorts;
- 2.4 Spark and nourish an interest in innovation and innovative technology, particularly in areas such as sustainability, waste and energy;
- 2.5 Strengthen mechanisms for employers to identify potential future employees; and
- 2.6 Model / trial best practice in relation to equal employment opportunities.
What might some of the actions look like?
There are many different actions that can be undertaken to implement the strategies listed above. Some of these actions will be short-term, some medium-term, and some long-term. It is important to be aware that the actions will not seek to duplicate existing programs or services. To ensure this does not occur, a gap analysis will be undertaken before actions are developed.
Some of the actions that may be undertaken:
- Create specific networking events in the Northern Suburbs for employers to meet with prospective employees;
- Implement targeted adult literacy and numeracy programs;
- Work with education facilities to align the capacity to provide skills and qualifications with forecasted growth areas;
- Provide recommendations on the location of Job Network Agencies; and
- Implement an Innovation Hub in the Northern Suburbs.
Who is likely to be involved in the actions?
Many parties may be involved in the resulting actions.
- These may include:
- Education providers;
- Local, State and Federal government departments;
- Local Neighbourhood Houses;
- Service providers/ employment agencies;
- Industries that are accessible to the Northern Suburbs; and
- Community.
Celebration of Community Strengths
Why is this Strategic Action Area important?
There are many amazing people, activities, programs, and places within the northern suburbs of Launceston, and it is important that these continue to be recognised, harnessed and celebrated. This Strategic Action Area is focused on supporting the northern suburbs, the City of Launceston municipality, and the broader Tasmanian community, to celebrate the assets within the region and build upon the existing sense of pride.
What strategies does this include?
Strategies included in this Strategic Action Area include:
- 3.1 Develop a Celebrating My Place My Future Program that identifies strategies to utilise cultural and creative industries to showcase the historical, sporting and cultural assets of the Northern Suburbs to all audiences;
- 3.2 Seek opportunities to change, or modify, public spaces, to better reflect the activities and people that give meaning to the space;
- 3.3 Facilitate and support the development of community based social enterprises;
- 3.4 Develop and implement a Social Inclusion Framework within local government; and
- 3.5 Within a strength-based framework, facilitate opportunities for community leaders to build upon their skills.
What might some of the actions look like?
There are many different actions that can be undertaken to implement the strategies listed above. Some of these actions will be short-term, some medium-term, and some long-term. It is important to be aware that the actions will not seek to duplicate existing programs or services. To ensure this does not occur, a gap analysis will be undertaken before actions are developed.
Some of the actions that may be undertaken include:
- A series of programs, events or promotional activities or opportunities that use creative mechanisms to celebrate the communities within the northern suburbs (i.e. photography competitions, food festivals, art programs, historical trail).
- Formal community leadership grant program that enables community leaders to build upon their strengths.
It is also important to note that the Launceston Cultural Strategy will play a key role in developing these actions.
Who is likely to be involved in the actions?
- Many parties may be involved in the resulting actions. These may include:
- Education providers;
- Local, State and Federal government departments;
- Local Neighbourhood Houses;
- Service providers;
- Businesses or entities with a vested interest; and
- Community.
Why is this Strategic Action Area important?
All residents within the City of Launceston municipality should be able to live in an area that facilitates an active and enjoyable lifestyle, feels safe, supports wellness, and enhances a positive sense of belonging within the broader community. This Strategic Action Area outlines an approach for continuous improvement to the liveability of the northern suburbs, including enhancing civic participation.
What strategies does this include?
Strategies included in this Strategic Action Area include:
- 4.1 Prioritise the development of the multi-purpose community facility.
- 4.2 Develop a Northern Suburbs Facility Improvement Plan that outlines:
- Continuous improvement approach to the physical attractiveness of the Northern Suburbs.
- Improved access to community, sport and
- recreation infrastructure, programs and opportunities.
- Installation of active gym equipment in public spaces.
- Increased access to safe active transport methods and associated infrastructure, with consideration to micro-business opportunities.
- Improvements to road and pedestrian connectivity.
- Broadened recycling facilities.
- Gap analysis of facilities such as public amenities, electric scooter charge points, bus stop infrastructure, public seating, rubbish bins, recreational spaces, public Wi-Fi and public telephones.
- Future requirements, such as electric car facilities.
- 4.3 Increase the number of targeted road safety campaigns.
- 4.4 Increase civic participation.
- 4.5 Increase access to the internet.
What might some of the actions look like?
There are many different actions that can be undertaken to implement the strategies listed above. Some of these actions will be short-term, some medium-term, and some long-term. It is important to be aware that the actions will not seek to duplicate existing programs or services. To ensure this does not occur, a gap analysis will be undertaken before actions are developed.
Some of the actions that may be undertaken include:
- Implement community safety programs targeting hooning and unsafe driving practices;
- Improvements to streetscapes within the Northern Suburbs;
- Development of specific active transport trails that connect within the Northern Suburbs, and also connects the Northern Suburbs with areas of interest;
- Repurposing existing spaces to create more usable, enticing recreational spaces;
- Installation of additional security measures;
- Increased opportunities for direct engagement with Council and Councillors;
- Connect Mayfield and Rocherlea via the road network; and
- Plan for the next roll-out of Wi-Fi infrastructure.
Who is likely to be involved in the actions?
Many parties may be involved in the resulting actions. These may include:
- Businesses or entities with a vested interest;
- Local, State and Federal government departments;
- Local Neighbourhood Houses;
- Service providers; and
- Community.
Strengthening the Next Generation
Why is this Strategic Action Area important?
There are some areas which can be influenced through the strategies detailed within this Plan; however, there are also some inter-generational systemic areas that will take many years to reflect the impact of any strategies. The intent of this Strategic Action Area is to focus on breaking this inter-generational cycle by building the capacity of children, their families, and young people - by focusing both on the first 1000 days and beyond.
What strategies does this include?
Strategies included in this Strategic Action Area include:
- 5.1 Ensure children, their families, and young people have access to appropriate, friendly, and safe public spaces;
- 5.2 Continue to focus on the importance of the first 1000 days;
- 5.3 Identify opportunities for the older generation to empower the younger generation;
- 5.4 Ensure that children, their families and young people have access to targeted mental health support and tools;
- 5.5 Increase awareness of needs relating to children in out-of-home care and vulnerable families;
- 5.6 Increase access to alternative models of education;
- 5.7 Increase opportunities for young people to obtain meaningful employment; and
- 5.8 Identify opportunities for children, their families, and young people to meaningfully engage in community, sport and recreation.
What might some of the actions look like?
There are many different actions that can be undertaken to implement the strategies listed above. Some of these actions will be short-term, some medium-term, and some long-term. It is important to be aware that the actions will not seek to duplicate existing programs or services. To ensure this does not occur, a gap analysis will be undertaken before actions are developed.
Some of the actions that may be undertaken include:
- Develop youth specific ‘hang-out’ areas;
- Increase children, their families, and young people’s access to targeted mental health support across all age brackets;
- Consider mechanisms to support parents address emerging concerns affecting youth (i.e. gaming, cyberbullying, social media use);
- Implement a program targeted at connecting young people with the potential employees and developing skills required for employment; and
- Enhance mentor type relationships between older and younger people.
Who is likely to be involved in the actions?
Many parties may be involved in the resulting actions. These may include:
- Education providers;
- Businesses or entities with a vested interest;
- Local, State and Federal government departments;
- Local Neighbourhood Houses;
- Service providers; and
- Community.
Why is this Strategic Action Area important?
The term access can take on many different meanings, with this interpretation often driven by one’s own experience. This was evident throughout the many community conversations that were had during the collection of the quantitative data.
The main focus areas for access that emerged were:
- Access to ongoing and consistent preventative health services including health promotion and education programs;
- Access to ongoing and consistent education and support to manage an existing condition;
- Access to a GP;
- Access to extra-curricular and leisure activities;
- Access for all;
- Access to a healthy and sustainable food source;
- Access to appropriate housing; and
- Access to transport.
There are many barriers that may prevent access to the listed items; however, they were often reported as linked to things such as finances, transport, or the availability of the service/ need.
The focus of this Strategic Action Area is on increasing access by creating the mechanisms to get the right people, at the right time, having the right conversation - and with access to the right information.
What strategies does this include?
Strategiec included in this Strategic Action Area include:
- 6.1 Create a Northern Suburbs Knowledge Bank that compiles information and studies that relate to the northern suburbs, and is used to assist decision making;
- 6.2 Increase opportunities to develop partnerships and collaborations with existing providers to ensure that the Northern Suburbs are included in their service areas;
- 6.3 Review existing mechanisms for increasing health literacy within the Northern Suburbs and implement additional interventions if required;
- 6.4 Enable the community to easily identify available services, including those relating to health and education;
- 6.5 Prioritise transport needs across the Northern Suburbs and seek innovative and demand-based ways to address;
- 6.6 Increase the use of public and active transport; and
- 6.7 Expand and provide ongoing and consistent funding to established, evidence-based programs in the Northern Suburbs.
What might some of the actions look like?
There are many different actions that can be undertaken to implement the strategies listed above. Some of these actions will be short-term, some medium-term, and some long-term. It is important to be aware that the actions will not seek to duplicate existing programs or services.
To ensure this does not occur, a gap analysis will be undertaken before actions are developed.
Some of the actions that may be undertaken include:
- Identify circumstances where transport is a barrier to access and seek to address;
- Support a targeted program of health promotion and education;
- Work with providers to improve ‘locate a service’ services; and
- Work with the Institute of Social Change invest in a longitudinal study of the health of the Northern Suburbs of Launceston specifically focussing on lifestyle risk behaviours and health outcomes.
Who is likely to be involved in the actions?
Many parties may be involved in the resulting actions. These may include:
- Businesses or entities with a vested interest;
- Local, State and Federal government departments;
- Service providers;
- Local Neighbourhood Houses;
- Health providers; and
- Community.